ciao tutti….. It’s Saturday!

ciao tutti!! Saturday and the weather is glorious, even if a tad on the hot side. All the more reason for getting outside to stock up on your Vitamin D and N levels.
Another post from la cucina: if you haven’t made BAKED RICE for ages, it’s time to make amends. It’s ultra easy, delicious and one that the kids can make any time. Recipes from CWA cookbooks, favourite Great Aunt (good excuse to phone and check up on them) or Mr Google.
Mine is based on powdered milk, Arboria rice which results in delicious creaminess, but any medium grain will do. Don’t forget the strips of fresh lemon, vanilla and the italian ‘pinch of salt’ which is 3 fingers + the thumb! If you have them on hand, throw some raisins, sultanas or mixed fruit in the bottom of the dish. buona cucina… buon appetito!