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Here at HILL OF PROMISE a roast leg of lamb is a regular on the menu, no matter what the season. In summer, it doesn’t have to be the traditional hot roast + veggies with the little chef on the verge of heat exhaustion! Sliced, warm roast lamb dances very well with various salads, from warm potato salad right through to ones based on quinoa, lentil’s, brown rice and the like.
Our local butchers ‘extra-ordinaire’ BUCK and WADE @ BUCKS BUTCHER SHOPPE-CHILDERS not only have superb, top quality lamb but ideas on how to cook it as well.
A roast leg is really good value because it’s the cut that keeps on giving’, in the form of tasty cold meat for sandwiches and lunches afterwards.
The Little Cellar Rat swears by her 40-year old oval LE CREUSET – no oil, nothing but a dusting of flour, S and P, and a spring of rosemary (from the winery herb patch of course!) A lemon cut in half and removed 3/4 way through cooking is delicious, finely sliced on the side.
buon appetito!